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Correction / Writing

Reading gate - summary


title - Milly, Molly and the ferryman

  1. the ferryman waited for the passengers. One day, Bill and Bert arrived to cross the river at the same time. They Didn’t want to sit next to each other. Because Bill is blackman and Bert is whiteman. The ferryman whipped paper bags over their heads and sat them down either side of his friends. He helped them become friends. Finally, the ferryman reached the other side of the river with a nudge. Bill and Bert whipped off his paper bag and said, “I’m pleased to meet you!”


    Correction:  Student's sentence   Corrected sentence        Grammar explanation       Better sentence  

the ferryman waited for the passengers. 
The ferryman waited for the passengers.

Use capital letters at the beginning of each sentence. 

One day, Bill and Bert arrived to cross the river at the same time.
This Sentence is correct.
One day, Bill and Bert arrived to cross the river simultaneously.

They Didn’t want to sit next to each other.
This Sentence is correct.

Because Bill is blackman and Bert is whiteman.
Because Bill is a black man and Bert is a white man.
The sentence is incorrect because it incorrectly combines "blackman" and "whiteman" as single words when they should be separate words or hyphenated (e.g., "Black man" and "White man") to follow standard grammar rules.

The ferryman whipped paper bags over their heads and sat them down either side of his friends.
The ferryman whipped paper bags over their heads and sat them down on either side of his friends.
We need to add "on" next to the word "either" to make the sentence grammatically correct and clarify that the ferryman sat them down on one side or the other of his friends, rather than both sides.

He helped them become friends. Finally, the ferryman reached the other side of the river with a nudge.
This Sentence is correct.

Bill and Bert whipped off his paper bag and said, “I’m pleased to meet you!”

This Sentence is correct.

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